Explain Quran

The Noble Quran is the central religious text of Islam. Muslims believe the Qur’an is the book of Divine guidance and direction for mankind, and consider the original Arabic text the final revelation of Allah (God). All translations of the original Arabic text are thus interpretations of the original meanings and should be embraced as such.

Makki Surahs

The Makki surahs are the chronologically earlier chapters (surahs) of the Quran that were, according to Islamic tradition, revealed anytime before the migration of the Islamic prophet Muhammed and his followers from Mecca to Medina (Hijra).

Madni Surahs

The Madni surahs or Medinan chapters of the Quran are the 24 surahs that, according to Islamic tradition, were revealed at Medina after Muhammad's hijra from Mecca. These surahs were revealed by Allah when the Muslim community was larger and more developed, as opposed to their minority position in Mecca.